GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation
GDPR is aimed to protect all EU citizens from privacy and data breaches, replacing Data Protection Regulation (adopted in 1995) om 25 May 2018 after two-year transition period. The main issue of resolution is assumption that user is owner of his personal data and has full control over them during the whole period of data processing.
- Identity information (name, address, id numbers)
- Web data (location, ip address, cookie data, RFID tags)
- Health and generic data
- Biometric data
- Racial or ethnic data
- Political options
- Sexual orientation

GDPR – Key changes
PENALTIES – It is clearly stated that a company not following the regulation “can be fined up to 4% of annual global turnover or €20 Million (whichever is greater)”. GDPR also lists a lot of circumstances where the fines can be applicable like: not notifying about data breach within given time frame.

- Consent
- Contract
- Legal obligation
- Vital interest
- Public task
- Legitimate interests
In practice this means that in order to store and process personal information one needs to have at least data subjects consent for this. Moreover GDPR defines precisely what characteristics should a consent have. Due to that we have built a sophisticated Consent Management Module which covers and exceeds GDPR requirements.
Please find highlight of them below:
Needs to be clear and distinguishable.
- user type/role
- application version
- business unit (territory)
- language
- data set (profile attributes)
- processing activity
As easy to withdraw as to give.
Defines scope of data and purpose of processing.
Tracked and auditabe
Here is how we support Data Lifecycle management in the context of GDPR:
Data Minimization
Thanks to configurable user profile, subscription level attributes, progressive profiling custom widgets and others, you can configure UMM in such a way that it requests and processes only the data that is required. APIs that share personal information with integrated applications are flexible in that context as well.
The data subject has a right not only to acess his/her data in order to verify it but also to obtain information on where is the data processed, what are the purposes and categories of data, is there automated decision making involved and many more. In other words whenever your CIAM shares any information with any other system it needs to be crystal clear what data has been shared for which purpose and with which of the systems. This is exactly what UMM empowered by CMM allows you to do.
As per the regulation all data needs to be exportable in a “machine readable format” so that data owner can transport it. UMM provides capability of profile data export in JSON format which can be done by an administrator. There is a possibility to trigger automated export actions in integrated application if needed.
Control over the physical place where personal data is stored and processed is important not only because of GDPR. There is a number of regulations that force international companies to build regional data centers and control data flow between them if any. UMM fits into the model perfectly by providing cloud data centers all over the world and in addition to that giving you possibility to host the solution on premises in local data centers of your choice.
Right to be forgotten
Meaning that per request you need to erase all the personal data of the requester. UMM provides data erasure mechanism but on top of that it also handles data erasure from backups and is capable of notifying external systems and integrated applications about the erasure request. If applications in your domain do can not handle automatic erasure (or you simply do not want them to) you may always leverage a ticketing system or email/text message notification to trigger appropriate actions.
Data subject shall have the right to have his incomplete or inaccurate data rectified. UMM delivers full set of tools for administartors and centralized user profile management panel if it is convenient to provide your customers with self-service for personal data management.