Take control of your applications access management.
Use single credentials and SSO to access your resources.
Maintain user access rights golden record.
maintain a spreadsheet
rely on memory
use another form of electronic storage
write password on paper

Application access management
Application access management
Advanced application access management mechanisms based on service subscription model

Business validation and auto approval
User business validation and auto approval
Recognize your users and match them with your CRM or other system records automatically

User profile self-service
User profile self-service
Allow your users to access unified profile management panel to keep their personal information up to date

Forgotten password reset
Forgotten password reset
Restore access to your account in a secure and comfortable way

GDPR compliance
GDPR compliance
UMM supports GDPR and similar regulations for user data processing and consents
UMM functional features overview

User migration
User migration
Migrate users form any external source and send persnalized registration invitaions

User federation
User federation
Merge multiple identity providers into a single user profile and use any integrated authentication service to have the same profile

Secure deep linking
Secure deep linking
Protect your site restricted resources with authentication mechanisms

Consent management
Consent management
Allow users to choose who has access to their data and what can it be used for

User master record
User master record
Introduce UMM into your application architecture to benefit from a single point of user data management, both for access rights and subscriptions and personal details
Not everyone takes
security guideliness seriously
users age 18-30 reuse password
users age 31 and up reuse passwords
And what if you
don’t remeber your password?
of users want to use automated password reset
less than
of users want to call support
Bad password policy and access management can have negative effects on organization

say remebering passwords has a negative effect prductivity
logged into ex-employer account after leaving the company

report a productivity drain due to password management